Best Pof Profile

  1. Best Pof Profile For Men
  2. Best Pof Profile Example
  3. Best Pof Profiles Men

Best POF Headlines for Men. Men far outnumber women when it comes to online dating. The odds are stacked against men with the ratio’s being as high as 10 guys for every 1 girl. What can you do to gain the upper advantage? The answer is make your profile stick out above the competition. You can beat all the other guys out on plenty of fish. We’ll share the formula for writing a winning profile, then give you 2 POF About Me profile examples that have a proven success rate. Of course, a profile that’s 100% customized to you will get you the best results, but these examples will definitely grab her attention. VIEWING A PROFILE ANONYMOUSLY. Plenty Of Fish is a great dating site with the most number of single members in the world and it is (for the most part) 100% free. One feature that it would be great if POF had it was the ability to view a profile hidden, meaning, you can look at any persons profile and you would not show up when they click the Viewed Me menu item at the top of the screen.

Searching for the best profile headlines implies that you are ready to try out online dating. Online dating offers you various opportunities for different kinds of relationships with diverse human beings. However, tons of dating websites are online; but not all of them require you to have a headline on your dating profile.

Free online dating and matchmaking service for singles. 3,000,000 Daily Active Online Dating Users.

If you are lucky to be on a dating website like Plenty Of Fish (POF), you will be required to have a headline on your profile.

A good headline is very important on dating sites because it is probably the first thing that will be noticed on your profile. Just like you know that first impression matters, you must have an impressive headline. When you browse through social media posts, the ones with the eye-catching headlines are the most clicked and read.

Having a good headline is very important when creating your dating profile.

Coffee and Donut?

The above is a good combination that people won’t turn down. Making your headline an invitation is a great idea if you want to go out with like-minded people. It could also be beer and pizza; just make sure it’s a combination that will interest people.

Energy Drink or Coffee?

People love to give their opinions and argue out their points. Therefore, this headline asking for opinions is a great way to invite people to your inbox and kickstart the conversation.

Looking for my “Wonder Woman”

Sharing similar interests with singles is a great way to secure a conversation with them. Using movie heroes is a way to invite people into your inbox for an exchange. People who adore the “wonder woman” will find it easy to talk to you since there is a common interest in starting the conversation.

Just Do It

Slogans and motto always kill it; they summarize and sum up a lot. Having a slogan on your headline can say a lot about you and open room for conversations. Just do it can imply straightforwardly doing something. This could imply you are a straightforward person and people love singles with the character.

I will never ghost you”

One way or another, most of us have been ghosted by someone we thought we had a lot in common with. Ghosting is one of the fears of most people when it comes to online dating. Therefore, addressing it upfront is a way of giving brief info about who you are. This headline is perfect for starting a conversation.

Jesus take the wheel”

Religion-related headlines are always eye-catching and attract people. However, it most likely will attract a certain group of people; the religious kind. However, it is an awesome approach you can try out.

I challenge you to make me laugh really hard”

People always love to take on challenges, as long as you do not ask them to solve an advanced Engineering calculation. Everyone loves to be humorous; so, this kind of headline allows them to explore their humor skills.

No matter how far you move the envelope, it’s still stationary”

Wordplay and puns are a great way to attract people’s attention. People are like to fall in love with the kind of headline. Who doesn’t love puns?

Funny POF Headlines

There are different kinds of profile headlines that people use. Some funny POF headlines will make you smile and laugh really hard. Some of these funny POF headlines are listed below

Searching for my Netflix and chill”

Whenever you are scrolling through profiles on websites, and you come across a headline saying “I’m looking to Netflix and chill,” you will probably laugh and give thumbs up top the person for being straightforward. Easily, you will receive funny responses from singles seeking no strings attached fun.

I’d carve your name on a tree close to our date location. It’s a romantic way of telling -I’m not afraid to use my knife. LOL”

Everyone who comes across this will pause at first and then laugh out loud because it’s funny. This is a funny POF headline that surely will attract responses from members.

The last time I matched with someone, I was donating blood”

After smiling and laughing as hard as you can, you would think, where did you get such a sense of humor from? This will attract a lot of responses from members all over.

Best Pof Profile For Men

Made Breakfast for two. I ended up eating both”

This is a funny headline that indicates you are single. However, this humorous headline might not be appropriate if you look like someone who eats extra.

If you don’t look like your profile picture when we meet, you owe me dinner until you do”

This is a very funny and interesting profile headline. Our profile pictures are always extra attractive and usually the perfect angles.

Pizza and drink are all you need to lure me to your home”

Funny, right? You would smile upon seeing this on a girl’s profile and immediately rush to her inbox to see how it goes. Adding humor to your profile headline is always good.


Hopefully, the above POF headlines can inspire you to create your own unique and eye-catching headline that will attract your dream partner. Good POF headlines are very important in getting the best out of online dating. However, headlines are not the only factor to be considered when creating your dating profile, but it is one of the most important. To get the best out of online dating, you can also check out the POF review to discover other essential things about the site.

Update September 2015: New and refine POF best message tool is coming out on Sunday 7 November 2015. Stay tuned.

Is it possible to send a message on POF for example and get an answer every single time?

That’s the question I try to answer during the last 6 months.

You are going to discover the most creative first pof messages.

New: you can always contact me with your message for a free pof message review .. it’s free so use it today.

Best Pof Profile

I want to share my results with you today in my quest to write the perfect message all the time. A message to work on anybody no matter your look.

I know it sounds too good to be true but that’s my goal.

Did I succeed? You might like my results.

First let’s reject the elephant in the room: The look.

the picture + profile problem

I’m not the cutest man on earth but I was able to have success online. One way to reach that goal was to fix the picture + profile problem.

Everyone hates to write something about themselves or find a good picture.

To choose my pictures I decide to ask many different friends to take my picture in various occasions.

Then I choose a pack of pictures and I ask my friends on Facebook twitter or at home to choose the best one.

Among those pictures I ask a new batch of friends for the best one.

Like that I was able to find something interesting. I cannot tell you what’s the best way to take those pictures or if you should smile or not because every person is different nothing fit everyone. The best solution is the one I just describe because people can see stuff you won’t be able to see alone.

Breaking news for you not everyone absorb the same among of light. Therefore some people might see you darker or lighter.

I know it is crazy.

My profile script for pof

Ok we have the picture now it is time to attack the profile.

The profile should be simple and to the point. I use this simple model to write my profile

Why me?


Why now?

Pof profile search

Why you should care?

You should answer those questions with your personality and feel free to go personal.

Ok you have your profile… you can always send me your profile link for a quick review. I do have some great girlfriends ready to give you great feedback if my feedback is not enough.

Perfect first message

Now that you have everything in place we can attack the most critical part of what you are looking for: Your first good message.

I study research and test everything and I’m proud to share those results with you.

This is a serious study and I hope I’m going to help you find love this year.

First I wanted to know how much messages a girl can get.

The reality is none or not so much to a lot…..

A lot is maybe around 50 messages a week... (remember this is almost an exception)

Best Pof Profile Example

Believe it or not but the vast majority don’t receive a gazillion messages.

However the best looking girls do receive a ton of messages.

The good news is they receive a lot of bad or horrible messages.

As a reference you should check this study about profile and online dating in general.

Like I said people receive a lot of crap in their inbox… it is your job to do a better job.

Before I give you the secret sauce let me show you something. (Yes you can skip this section but trust me you might learn something too).

I did something most people don’t really do… I read over 100 profiles.

I want you to check those results because you might learn something today.

I want you to read this profile in particular:

The vibe of the message and the last line is clear.

Look most woman on POF love their life career and everything in between.

They want someone to add something to their life.

But they are bored and shy in general….

After they read your profile and message:

They should say wow he is fun creative and he will definitely add something to my life right away.

It is extremely important to read the profile because you might get the vibe of the woman.

Yes you can write almost anything to some girl and you can score a goal pretty easily but in general you need to work hard. Before your message, your dream girl might have read many bad ones and may have had bad experiences.

Keywords you should focus on are creative, positive, good vibe, smart and fun.

Anytime she read something from you she must smile!!

Online advice

Now let’s see what you can find online:

Everyone has an advice but not every advice is great:

Let’s explore what’s out there….

The first link I found was from:

Let me copy paste two messages and let discuss about it:


Background: She indicated she was an engineer.

Hi there,

My name’s Mike. That’s cool that you’re an engineer!

Sometimes I’m amazed at bridges…I mean, they are supporting multiple vehicles all day long…we should really have a National Bridge Day, or maybe National Engineer day would be better. National Bridge Day would mean Starbucks would be full of 65-year old women wearing white, thin, doily blouses, eating coffee crisp, swapping the daily gossip.

Talk soon




Background: She posted a video featuring one of those dancing flash mobs.

Hi there,

My name’s Mike. I’ve never understood flash mobs.

I mean, when there’s a flash fire, it happens very quickly, with very little planning. Flash mobs, on the other hand, appear to my naked eye, immaculately planned and organized. But perhaps they are channelling the mafia version of the mob rather than the riot version. In that spirit, I believe, ‘flash organized mafia dancers following choreography’ might be a more apt title.

But flash mob rolls off the tongue a lot better, I guess…

Talk soon



The strategy of this comedian is picking up something in the girl’s profile and run with this.

Oh wait How to run with this?

In this case you act like you are in the middle of a conversation:

Look the first message he start with “My name’s Mike. That’s cool that you’re an engineer! “”

Like it was the first time they met (because it is the first time!!) then he spin it and use my classic trick to be interesting.

My formula

Observation – share opinion – pass the ball….


The observation: (Background: She posted a video featuring one of those dancing flash mobs.) I’ve never understood flash mobs

Share opinion: I mean, when there’s a flash fire, it happens very quickly, with very little planning. Flash mobs, on the other hand, appear to my naked eye, immaculately planned and organized. But perhaps they are channelling the mafia version of the mob rather than the riot version.

pass the ball: In that spirit, I believe, ‘flash organized mafia dancers following choreography’ might be a more apt title.

But flash mob rolls off the tongue a lot better, I guess…

Talk soon


The pass the ball is your hook at this point you give something to give an answer on….

In this case it is ‘dangeruous’ because the girl might say he is fun or completely weirdo but I think it is the right strategy because you are going to be creative … read it again

Best Pof Profiles Men

And you might like it too…


Now it your turn to practice: let me give you some profile

You can use the comment section to craft your answer or do it anonymously right here. No matter what you can practice and sharp your skill right here:

Ok let’s start the workshop:

The first profile is a basic one… Something you find all the time:

I highlight some keywords for you. She is active and passionate.

You get the vibe. In this case being active could be a great observation start with and then run with this… You should be as active as her and like kids…. After that you can use your imagination.

More profile to work on. I’ll share results in a next post but for now work on it and feel free to send me your stuff for a free review

Remember being confident smart creative and smart can lead you to success.

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