Dating For Senior Citizens

Despite the public’s supposition, dating isn’t just for the younger generation. Mature or elderly citizens also have a desire for intimacy and companionship, yet they have little to no means to actually develop relationships outside their social circles. Some of them also find it difficult to leave their home. Online dating is the modern alternative favored by many, and it can cease the loneliness of seniors as well. Several reasons points towards online dating: it’s convenient, safe, and elderly can keep contact with multiple people at once. There are dating sites catering especially to the aging demography, not to mention tech-savvy elderly can use their smartphone too.

Seniors seeking partners should use dating sites because of the wider reach compared to dating agencies. Free Trials for Senior Singles. Before committing your money to anything, you should be assured that it delivers what it promises. And that’s why most reputable seniors dating sites offer free trials—mostly for one month. Dating For Senior Citizens. 1,048 likes 202 talking about this. Meet single seniors near you, join free today! These dating sites aren’t just for women either. The detailed description of the freebie is published on the blog. Find society & people themes in the same name category at Template/p Read More. JerkBoy – This app has been called the most honest, accurate dating service out there. It’s a tool for users to showcase. Dating For Seniors Makes It Easy To Find Single Seniors In Your Area Whether you only need a like-minded companion for some quality time together, or a full romance with a proper life partner, Dating for Seniors has you covered. Meet senior singles now! Check out some of our senior.

Why Online Dating?

Online dating became the number one matchmaking solution for a reason. Generally, it’s far more effective than going out with several partners to decide the best match for you. Online dating can be done from your comfy home – a strong argument for seniors – not to mention it costs less than relying on other sources. Dating agencies don’t deliver more than a handful of promising results, but charge a high fee for their service. The same could be said about newspaper advertisements and speed dates: your hands are also tied, as you cannot influence the matchmaking. On the other hand, online dating allows you to set every detail in your matchmaking preferences, or you can just browse the results to your heart’s content. Digital matchmaking is also safer if you know how to keep some distance. You should never ever share sensitive personal information about yourself, or send money to someone you barely know. With a little bit of cautiousness, online dating allows a much safer dating experience.

Senior Dating Apps

In case you are handy enough with handling a smartphone or tablet, then we recommend opting for a dating site that offers a mobile app. Since there are smartphones targeting an older audience, the ability to have your dating affairs in your pocket has the benefit of relieving you from sitting in front of a computer all day. Smartphone applications are meant to enhance the dating experience for seniors, as the apps usually feature larger images, and the navigation is easier as well. The easiest is to sign up for the service on the site, because the profile creation is faster with a keyboard, and then use the app to browse the profiles and chat with other likeminded senior singles.

Dating for Older Singles of All Ages

All-rounded dating sites and apps like Tinder catering to a generally younger audience is a mere façade that is the online dating industry. Diversity is the key word: there are dating sites exclusively for wealthy singles, black singles, Jews, Asians, Catholics, and as no surprise, for seniors.

Dating for Over 40s: EliteSingles

EliteSingles aids the attempt of professional men and women to find genuine love or a long-term relationship. The site promotes the aids of like-minded contact between matures in the U.S. The intelligent matchmaking system ensures at least 3-7 recommended quality matches per day, according to the preferences you set. EliteSingles combines the profile creation with a thorough personality test. Although completing it takes quite a while, the fruit of your effort will be much better recommendations. The site also provides a tutorial for its website and app, so trying out EliteSingles is a good choice for those who are unfamiliar with online dating. And the best part is: you can keep a free account forever.

Dating for Over 50s: eHarmony

eHarmony is a dating site of the highest caliber. They pride themselves in their pleasant visual design and personality test that adds some extra spice to your dating. The registration is free, and you have the opportunity to answer a set of questions, which evaluate your personality. The results are not only featured in a digital book that is enjoyable to read, but they are also improve your chances in finding a true soulmate. Not to mention the personality test is a great conversation starter. The profile system is extensive, so you can share a lot of information about yourself. Last but not least, eHarmony fully support all kinds of smartphones with its own applications.

Dating for Over 60s & 70s: Senior FriendFinder

The biggest selling point for Senior FriendFinder is that they only allow mature or senior singles to register. Signing up for a service that is meant for elders promises an intimate atmosphere, where mature singles don’t need to feel ashamed about their age, with higher chances to meet someone who shares the same interests or just went through the same. Managing your profile is quite easy, and the unique personality system guarantees a pleasant way to connect and mingle with other users. Being part of the FriendFinder alliance also means that Senior FriendFinder not only has a smartphone optimized site, but also gives you access to a smartphone app.

Safe Online Dating Tips

We already touched on the subject of safety, but the topic definitely deserves further study. It’s no secret that there are shadowy individuals who specialize on dibbing out good-natured elderly from their money. They befriend aging users, and then suddenly tell them a heartbreaking story, before asking for money. Daters must be aware of such intent, to avoid falling prey for petty scams. Luckily, the admin team of senior dating sites is extra cautious, and they immediately delete malicious profiles. You should not be afraid to report someone who is trying to con you. Also, there are dating sites with a not so stellar reputation. In order to avoid poor service, find help in the decision making by going through reviews and scores by dating experts and other daters for the selected site.

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Returning to the dating scene can be terrifying for seniors. What am I supposed to do and when am I supposed to do it? What should I wear? Where should we go? Questions! Questions! Questions!

Common sense should prevail when it comes to proper dating etiquette for senior singles. Here are our Top 10 quick tips to proper dating etiquette for single seniors who are starting to reenter the dating arena.

  1. Be ready with some open-ended questions.
  2. Keep your conversation appropriate.
  3. Allow the first kiss to happen naturally.
  4. Only date one person at a time or be upfront about it.
  5. Take your time.
  6. Have fun.

Read on for a further explanation.


  • 2 Our Top 10 etiquette tips for single seniors
  • 3 Allow the first kiss to happen naturally

What is etiquette?

Wikipedia says that etiquette is the set of conventional rules of personal behavior in polite society, usually in the form of an ethical code that delineates the expected and accepted social behaviors that accord with the conventions and norms observed by a society, a social class, or a social group.

Our Top 10 etiquette tips for single seniors

With apologies to Emily Post, here are suggestions. Rules seem to be too rigid and harsh. Rules stifle fun. Common sense fosters fun!

Be honest in your search

After my wife passed and I decided that I should start dating, I turned to online dating. Having married my high school sweetheart, I was really, really inexperienced at dating. She was really the only one I seriously dated in high school. It was terrifying, to say the least. We had moved quite a bit over our almost 40 years of marriage.

I knew of and about people all over the country. I was totally surprised to see people I knew pop up in my searches. They could have won awards in creative writing. Many of the pictures were twenty years out of date as well.

Be comfortable in your own skin. You are what you are. We all have warts. There is nothing to be gained by posting old pictures and phony bios. How would you explain the differences during the first date anyway? That’s not a good way to establish a relationship. I wrote about online dating in an earlier article. You can read it here.

Men should pay for the first date


I am a bit old fashioned but I believe men should always pay for the first date. If finances are a bit tight, choose the venue for your first date accordingly. Conversely, women should be prepared to offer to pay their share or to leave the tip.

Dating For Senior Citizens

Focus on the little things that do not cost anything. If you are spending less on her, ramp up the attention.

In the liberated environment of today, women can and do take the lead. A new line of thinking is that whoever extended the invitation should pay. However, I am a traditionalist. I think it is best to follow tradition no matter who extended the invitation and the man should pay.

Always choose a public place for a first date

Safety has to be the first rule of senior dating, especially if you met online. Never propose or never agree to any venue that will put you in jeopardy. Chose public, well-lighted places. It is best to meet at the chosen venue. Meeting rather than being picked up has the added benefit of being able to leave when you want to leave if things are going badly.

Follow your gut. If things feel uncomfortable, end the date immediately.

Always let a friend know when and where you’re going and when you will be back. It adds another layer of safety.

Best behavior is mandatory

Both parties need to be on their best behavior. So, what does best behavior look like for you? First of all, avoid the big three topics that might not end well: religion, politics, and money. Everything you do should be built on the foundation of respect – for yourself and for your date.

Relying on more traditional manners from Emily Post to start out any relationship will get you started right! One never has to apologize for being a lady or gentleman.

Be ready with some open-ended questions

Long pauses in the conversation can seem like an eternity. Avoid them by having in mind a few open-ended questions in mind to stimulate the conversation.

Consider it your responsibility to keep the conversation going – not by talking but by asking open-ended questions. You know, who, what, why, when, where questions. They stimulate conversation.

Avoid closed end questions. Those are questions that can be answer by yes or no. They kill conversation. Consider what answers you will get with “what are your hobbies”versus “do you like to ski” and you will get the idea.

If you ask your date about themselves and speak little of yourself, your date will think you are a wonderful conversationalist. In fact, they will be right. You will be!

eHarmony has a great article. Check it our here.

Keep your conversations appropriate

Forget about past relationships. Whether past relationships were good or bad, nothing good comes from looking back while you are getting acquainted on a first date, a second date, or even a third date. There will be plenty of time for that later if the relationship develops.

Focus on the one you are with today and look forward. It is extremely bad form to go on and on about an ex. Conversely, going on and on about a departed partner can be just as bad. It is OK to answer questions but do not dwell on the past.

Be cautious with financial information. Of course, full financial disclosure is mandatory at some point if the relationship develops. Finances should be a taboo subject on a first date and a red flag if it comes up during your date.

Allow the first kiss to happen naturally


Remember your first kiss when you were a teenager? It was exciting, exhilarating, and scary all in the same moment. You probably were not very good at it either. But, it all turned out alright, didn’t it?

Unleash your inner teenager. Just don’t rush it. Who initiates that first kiss? Either one of you can.

First date? Second date? Third Date? It doesn’t matter. You’ll know when the time is right. Here’s another place to follow your gut.

Aren’t butterflies fun!? They are not exclusive to teenagers and young adults.

Only date one person at a time

It is not unusual to date many different people at a time. The caveat here is that you always need to be open and tell your date. The decision to go exclusive should be a mutual decision. It is not a decision to be rushed.

Take your time


Dating Sites For Senior Citizens

Although, as seniors, our time may be limited, senior dating is more of a marathon than a sprint. Courting requires time. Your courting behavior creates and fosters a woman’s feelings of attraction. The opposite is true as well.

Have fun

Remember that your goal is to get acquainted not a life mate. It is the first date after all. Relax. Smile. Have fun. What is the worst thing that can happen? Quite frankly, if you watch out for your personal safety in your planning, the worst thing that can happen is you don’t go out again. The best thing is you go out again. Isn’t that a win-win proposition?

Best senior dating sites

Following are my Top 5 dating sites for seniors.

Internet Dating For Senior Citizens

  • Match
  • eHarmony
  • Christian Mingle
  • Silver Singles
  • Elite Singles

Dating For Seniors Inbox

You can read my review of them here.

Dating Tips For Senior Citizens

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